Sunday, June 29, 2008

Kansas, Tennesse & Delaware

I stayed in Lawrence, Kansas for two more weeks since my last entry. Most of the time was spent working on the farm. I helped plant over 60 tomatoes and did the prep work for a half dozen more rows. The owner was trying different techniques on mulching around the seedlings to see if the crop could be planted earlier, produce later or produce better. Some of the rows were previously tall grasses so we mowed the rows and put down a line of damp, poop hay that had been used in the sheep pens. We raked the tall grasses back over top to provide a cover. I'd love to go back and taste the fruits of my labor. Also, I went to Wakarusa on the other side of Lawrence. My farm's owner dropped me off and I asked at the volunteer check in if they had any openings. Next thing I know I have a shiny blue wristband attached to me. I had to work two-8 hour shifts on Sat and Sun - but the shifts were just as fun as enjoying the festival. Two of the nights were canceled because of strong thunderstorms (it was Kansas - tornadoes are common - with lots, lots, lots of lightening). Two of my EW family were there and I had a blast spending time with them. Lots of skinny dipping and slight craziness! I hitched out of the festival to get back to the farm as the rain died out Sunday. Enjoyed a hot shower and nursed my wounds from walking barefoot.

Storm rolling in at Wakarusa
Storm Rolling

Sheep at the WWOOF farm

A few days after the festival I caught a Greyhound to Manchester, TN for Bonnaroo. About 4 other people were on the bus with me the whole way - good festi family. The finally bus to Manchester was nearly full and half was for 'Roo. Three of the guys rented a car and I caught a ride into the grounds with them. A note for those who Greyhound into 'Roo in the coming years. The owners of the gas station chase off any cars offering you ride and ask you to take their shuttle in for $5 a head. It's not such a bad deal but the guy was a douche. He said in past years people have offered rides, had the rider throw their shit in back and sped off with it. Personally, I trust my gut. I believe that if a Greyhound rider simply waited for a car that was obviously going to 'Roo and asked if they had a spare spot that it wouldn't take that long to get a ride. Anyway, I camped with my new friends way back in the boonies. I didn't mind though. Quiet at night - I had a nice sleep all nights. Alas, I slept through every late night. Still on farm time you see.

'Roo was 'Roo. Getting way too big, dirty (not just the dust), unfriendly and unfestival-like. So many first timers there! I wanted to take them all with me so they could see other festivals. They'll learn! I guess I am a snob when it comes to certain things; festivals and traveling mostly. It's just because they're my life at the moment.

Shakedown at Bonnaroo 2008
'Roo Shakedown

I worked clean up after 'Roo for two days. Met awesome new friends and had a blast working and playing. Clean Vibes is always a great experience. I highly recommend it. One of my fellow volunteers was heading to NYC so I bummed a ride to Delaware. My plan was to head to IN to see a friend but it wasn't in the cards that time. I've been here a few days and I'm hopefully heading out Thursday with a ride share from Craigslist to Columbus. Then to find a ride to Nelson Ledges Quarry for RythmFest. Oh, the joys of the vagabond life.

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